
All you need to know about attending a Blackhawk Basketball training.
To optimise player development, we offer small class sizes. This ensures a safe and supportive environment where individuals can progress at their own pace. Our training is structured into terms, typically lasting 8-10 weeks.  To inquire about session availability, please email using the button below.

Not trained with us before?  We do not charge for registration.  The information provided ensure all participants can take part in a safe environment.  Our coaching staff need to be aware of any specific individual needs and we try our best to accommodate them.


Registration is free for North Bristol Blackhawks – and information is only used to ensure player safety.  Our training program consists of terms, each lasting approximately 8-10 weeks.  Please contact us for latest availability.

Our ‘mixed participation’ sessions allow under 18’s and senior players to train together. As a club, we follow Basketball England‘s guidelines on matching players with similar abilities and routinely review matchups ensuring we decrease risk of injury or emotional distress. Should an Under-18 player choose to attend a ‘mixed participation’ session, we will need confirmation from consent from their parent/guardian.

I am aware that my child’s participation in Blackhawks Basketball training sessions has some inherent risks and injury may occur.

I am aware my child will be ‘playing up’ in a team of senior players or playing against senior players. This will include physical and mental play against individuals who are older and possibly more experienced within the sport and physical contact is possible. I acknowledge that I have been notified by the club of the risks involved.

In consideration of my child being allowed to participate I, the parent/guardian assume the risk of all injury and agree not to hold Basketball England and its associates or affiliates of Blackhawks Basketball (Club) liable for any and all injuries caused by or resulting from participating in basketball at this level.

We are an inclusive club, so no trials are involved to participate. If a player would like to be eligible for our North Bristol Basketball Competition, they will need to ensure their parent/guardian has given written consent for ‘Mixed Participation’ as our opponent in this closed league is a Men’s team.  As a club, we follow Basketball England guidelines on matching players with similar abilities and routinely review matchups ensuring we decrease risk of injury or emotional distress.  

Payments are made to our official club account. Details can be obtained from our Treasurer or emailing

The personal information on this form will be held securely and will only be shared with coaches or other individuals who need this information in order to meet the participant’s specific needs and make appropriate adjustments to training. Read our data policy.

The club utilise email and WhatsApp for group communication.  The latter is particularly recommended for Outdoor Sessions where weather is changeable.

Should you have any queries regarding the basketball club please get in touch: